Install Python
Setting Up VS Code And Python
What is Python virtual environment
Creating virtual environment
Module 1: Basic of Python
Variables, Datatypes and Operators
Flow control and built in functions in python
Built-in data structures: List and tuple
Built-in data structures: Dictionary and set, Usecases of these structures
Functions and types of arguments
Scope in python and use of global, nonlocal keywords
Object oriented programming: Classes and objects
Object oriented programming: Encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance and abstraction
Strings in python
String formatting and f-strings
Exception handling in python
Introduction to File Handling
Validate your knowledge in Python Basics
Module 2: Prerequisite for Data Structure and Algorithm in Python
What are algorithms? How to analyse algorithms? What is asymptotic notation?
Time and Space complexity
What is Recursion?
Searching Algorithms
Sorting Algorithms: Part 1
Sorting Algorithms: Part 2
User-defined data structures: Linked List
User-defined data structures: Insertion and traversal in Linked List
User-defined data structures: Removal of nodes in Linked List
User-defined data structures: Stack
User-defined data structures: Queue
User-defined data structures: Tree
User-defined data structures: Binary Tree and insertion of nodes
User-defined data structures: Binary tree traversals
Module 3: Problem Solving with Data Structure and Algorithm
Two Sum - 3 approaches (Array and hashing)
Valid anagram - 3 approaches (Strings)
Valid bracket sequence (Stack)
Koko eating bananas - 2 approaches (Binary Search)
Tower of hanoi (Recursion)
Move zeroes - 2 approaches (Array and partitioning)
Maximum subarray sum - 3 approaches (Array)
Merge Sorted Array - 2 approaches (Array)
Detect cycle in Linked List - 2 approaches (Linked List)
Module 4: RealTime Scenario Framework in Data Engineering
Utilize concepts learned before while understanding and implementing API and its requests
Multithreading in python
Preview - Master in Python with Data Structures and Algorithms
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