AzureDataFactory Interview Questions - Part1

Sat Jun 3, 2023

Must Prepare Interview Questions For Azure Data Factory

  1. Difference b/w blob and ADLS Gen2 and which is preferred?
  2. Types of the triggers which is preferred for historic data?
  3. Diff b/w data set and linked service
  4. What are all the activities u used?
  5. Types of Integration runtime which are used when?
  6. What is a tumbling window?
  7. What is the difference b/n debug and trigger now?
  8. How do iterate files in ADF?
  9.  What are LinkedService and Datasets?
  10. What is Integration Runtime and How many of Type of Integration Runtime are available?
  11. What is by default Integration Runtime in ADF?
  12.  Different types of methods to connect ADLS GEN2 LinkedService?

Sagar Prajapati
I'm Sagar Prajapati having 4 years of Industry Experience in the field of Data Engineering. I taught more than 15,000 students globally and I teach SQL, Python, PySpark, Azure, Databricks, PowerBI, etc. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel "GeekCoders".